02 August 2007

I hope you are all enjoying my new playlist. I must say, I never expected to draw so much attention to my blog just by my musical selections, but I appear to have built up a reputation. And I aim to please. So I present you with a new "women that rock" mix, and must say, it is spectacular. I've enabled the shuffle mode so that you'll always be surprised... like a box of assorted chocolates, I hope that fills you with the delight of anticipation each time you visit (and out of curiosity, tell us what you're hearing in the comments section right now). If you like what you hear, you can view the artists' names and song titles by clicking on "View My Playlist". If you don't like what you hear - well, that is what the "stop" button is for. :)

*I put a little Dido and Jonatha Brooke back in there just for Scribbit and The Smiling Infidel (who have a similar discriminating taste).


  1. Great songs!

    Looks like your vacation was wonderful!

  2. Yes, we have excellent taste after hanging around your rockin blog. I was in a store today and heard what had to be a new Paul Simon song that I'm going to have to do a search for on itunes because I loved it.

    And I'm currently on a Killers kick--oh and Scissor Sister's "I Don't Feel Like Dancing" makes me happy whatever the time of day.

  3. scribbit and I both love the Scissor Sisters! I'm listening to their song 'The Other Side' right now and it's on my play list. Also Mika's 'Relax' and 'Love Today.'

    I heard the Dixie Chicks 'Landslide' playing on your blog. Did you know that they're banned from Houston country radio? They occasionally play Landslide on our top 40/Mix stations, but that's it. You know what's been a staple in my CD collection for over 10 years now? The October Project. Mary Fahl left the group and she's amazing on her own too.

  4. Hey, we've both been blogging the same exact amount of time! I started New Year's Day 2006. It was just like that U2 song of the same name too. "All Is Quiet On New Year's Day." Yeah, I didn't get any comments on that first post.

    I don't care for 'Nothing Compares To You.' I do like 'Mandinka' and 'Emperor's New Clothes', though.

  5. Elastic - I know, it's not one of her better songs, but I felt she had to be represented as a woman who rocks. Emperor's New Clothes is one of my personal favorites along with Three Babies.

  6. I'm using a Mac and the plugin isn't available! I've been trying to put a song player on my blog for months, but nothing is working with Mac.

    Lei, what's the topic for Woman-to-woman next week? Just wondering...:-)

  7. C - it will be the week after, and it's "dealing with aging parents".


Love to hear your comments, thoughts, insights and will return the favor. Thanks for stopping by!