30 August 2007

I choose to be a mom...

Everyday, I choose to be a mom. I choose to devote my time. I choose to set me aside a lot of the time. I choose to bite my tongue when I am angry. I choose to give us all a time out when I feel like I am losing it. I choose to play Candy Land, even though I hate board games. I choose to sing the same 3 songs every night at bedtime. I choose to read my children books. I choose to smile and give hugs even when I am worn out. I choose to listen to their little concerns.

I choose to give them hope. I choose to teach them acceptance. I choose to let them explore. I choose to let them learn.

I choose to worry about them. I choose to check on them during the night. I choose to get teary when they accomplish the little things. I choose to let myself submit to them. I choose to take charge. I choose to relish the things in their little world. I choose to teach them how to grow up. I choose to say I'm sorry. I choose to teach them responsibility.

I choose to take good care of myself. I choose to be able to run around after them. I choose to be well rested for them. I choose to share my passions with them. I choose to let them be part of my life. I choose to be part of theirs. I choose to receive heavenly guidance. I choose to tell them I am weak without guidance. I choose to give myself a break. I choose to give my husband experience. I choose to give my children independence. I choose to give them dependence.

Motherhood is a selfless existence, but the most nourishing one.


  1. A very good choice, indeed. It's not always an easy one, though.

  2. beautifully written. I needed that today - it's been a hard one.

  3. Reading this has made my day better. It's been a really long day and this helps me to remember why I do what I am doing. Because I choose to and I love it. :)

    *Sorry I missed WtoW!

  4. thanks for this. I needed it today!!

  5. That is absolutely beautiful. I, too, love being a mother, but somedays having a teenager means repeating some of those phrases over and over and over again.
    As always, thank you.

  6. Oh, Lei. Thank you. Thank you for this post and the reminder.

  7. Thank you, Lei, for this. I need to remember that I chose to bring my sweet little ones here, and to make their experience happy and safe. I will try that much harder because of this wonderful post.

  8. That was awesome. Such a great reminder of our roles as a mother. We choose to bring little ones here and we need to choose to give the best that life has to offer.

  9. I love being a mom and this is a beautiful post.

  10. And your children are glad you choose to be their mother! Very inspiring post.

  11. This is why you are one of my favorite people in the entire world. You inspire me everyday!

  12. Well put, my dear! I was thinking about this the other day regarding my former career. I was pleased to realize there wasn't any job in the world that could take me away from raising my children right now.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. This is exactly what I needed today. I am certainly in agreement with this post!

  15. Sometimes I feel like the slacker mommy according to the world's standards and sometimes according to the little voices I hear in my head, but you just helped me re-realize that I am choosing to teach my children many things each day.

  16. This was beautiful. I love being a mom, but sometimes I need reminders that I made this choice and I wanted it. Thank you.

  17. How beautifully worded. Thanks for the uplift. Mommys everywhere need a boost sometimes and you sure captured the essence with this post!

  18. This is a beautiful post!

  19. I love this, very beautifully said.

  20. this is a beautiful post!

    good choice!

  21. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing this with us. :) Love ya!

  22. Found you thru Gabrielles Designmom.com .. just love what you have written here... it is all so true !


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