06 July 2007

Summer give away and Woman to Woman

The winner of the second summer give-away is Pattie from Stolen Moments! Pattie will get her choice of a cherry or lemon print baby headband. Enjoy, Pattie!

The topic for Woman to Woman on Tuesday, July 10th, is "Tips and Tricks - Keeping your marriage alive". Whether you've been married for 38 years, 8 years or are a newlywed, you've probably picked up a few of the keys to a happy marriage, one which is nurturing and continues to grow. Maybe your marriage has struggled, but you've found a road back to each other and have insights for those in similar situations. What would you say are the three most key elements in your marriage that keep the romance alive and the heart aflutter?

Have a great weekend everybody!


  1. Maybe I can actually come up with something for this one. It's my belief that men really aren't that complex. A regular batch of chocolate chip cookies works wonders on a marriage :)

  2. Yeah! I never win anything....
    Do you think it might fit a three year old? If not, I do have a friend who is due with a girl (her first) and I could send it to her. She would love it!
    Thank you, thank you!

  3. Sounds like a good woman to woman. I'm sad I'll miss it because we are going on vacation on Sunday. I'll be anxious to read everyones' advice when I get back though!

  4. Pattie - I'll see if I can find a longer knee high (what I use for the band) for a bigger head. Can you email me to work out the details? lprogers@juno.com

  5. I've learned that if I don't hassle my husband, he won't hassle me. Sounds simple, but it's true. I always act ecstatic to see him when he strolls through the door and in return he turns a blind eye to a messy house and scruffy looking kids. I'm with scribbit, cooking up a favorite meal goes a long way towards keeping up marital relations.

    TMI note: Know what else goes a long way towards building a happier marraige? Never saying that you're just not in the mood.

  6. Congrats Pattie!

    I going to really try to remember to do Woman to Woman next week. Sounds like something we all could definitely benefit from. :)

  7. Okay, so I have landed at your blog twice today from various links and have read through it and love it. I will be back!

    Thinking about the marriage thing...very good question.

  8. I'll forget to do a post- cause I've got court. But my first would be laughter/fun. We have blow up jousting thingamajigs. Let me tell you- we joust when we fight- it's absolutely hilarious! :)


Love to hear your comments, thoughts, insights and will return the favor. Thanks for stopping by!