25 June 2007

Woman to Woman: "Share an important quote and what it means to you."

I've shared many quotes on this blog. The following is a post resurrected from last September.

Moms are brave. Whether it be scaring away the monsters under the bed or giving up a small part of their lives, moms are brave.

Consider this quote by Melvin J. Ballard on the love of mothers:

"I grant you that there are many who approach the great responsibility of motherhood with fear and timidity, because of its dangers to the physical life of the mother, because of its pain, its sorrow and its distress; but in the very nature of things, if God should lighten the burdens, the sorrow, and the pain of child-bearing, he would endanger the enduring love of the mother for her children. There is nothing worthwhile we obtain unless we pay the price for it."

"That which is given to us freely, we consider of little value, and so, because a mother goes into the valley of death, lays her life upon the altar to bring life into the world, and because through the rearing of the children who come to her, she spends many sleepless nights, denies herself the personal pleasures of life, devotes herself with patience and care and strength almost more than she has, to the welfare of her children—this is what makes her love them. For where her treasure is, there her heart is, and the greatest treasure a woman has she gives in her service, her life itself."

I bet all mothers can relate to this quote, and perhaps in very different ways. With how little validation we receive for our troubles in pregnancy and in motherhood, these words bring both comfort and pride to the amateur and the veteran, as well as the woman who desires to become a mother.

I sure wish I had heard these words when we conceived Sasha. It was such a blind leap of faith choosing to bring her into this world. It was a very unsure time for us... Given my history of preterm labor and other complications we received very little support and encouragement when we needed it most. But we knew - beyond a shadow of a doubt -that it was the right thing for our family. We knew she belonged with us. And how on earth could we not do what we knew was right? How could we not have faith that the Lord really only pushes us as far as we can go?

As I find myself caught up in this whirlwind called life, I often think, "Hello, is anyone watching me? Look ma, no hands!" But though I am tired and often feel worn down, I love them more than ever, these little fruits of my labors.

It is my wish that we recognize our courage in the seemingly small things we do, like simply carrying a child in our womb, let alone caring for it and protecting it once it is born. And that fear and unsurety we feel from time to time? Well, I've heard that defined as humility. Consider it an asurety that you are teachable and willing to learn to be better; to do better.

Be sure and stop by Morning Glory's blog, who's checking in while on vacation. And feel free to link yourself at both sites! Come one, come all!!!


  1. Happy to join in on this one - I'm a first-timer. It was good for me to review my thoughts on these quotes. Thank you.

  2. What a great quote! I love it!

  3. Courage and humility ... what a great topic to post about. Thanks for the reminder and thanks for sharing your beautiful insights!

  4. Love your quote! Thanks for visiting my blog the other day; I appreciate it!

  5. Hi Lei,
    I'm chiming in for my first time today for the woman to woman challenge.
    Mothers have a high calling and I've always said that we learn a little better what Christ's sufferings were because of what we endure as mothers... blessings!

  6. What a wonderful quote!!! So encouraging and your thoughts are so true. Motherhood does have it's ups and downs, but it is sooo worth it!!

  7. Great Quote! Thanks for hosting Woman to Woman.

  8. Thanks so much for hosting this. I have been lurking, but finally decided to particapte.

  9. Thanks for posting this quote. I remember listening to him saying this and how deep it struck me. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about it.

  10. I'll be back to read more quotes. What a great topic and thoughts to ponder.

  11. What a great reminder. I don't recall who said it, but your post reminds me of the saying that being brave does not meaning having no fear; it means proceeding despite your fear.

  12. Wonderful quote! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on motherhood and it's ups and downs.
    Also, thank you for hosting Woman to Woman today.
    Have a wonderful day!

  13. Angela's link is not working.

  14. I LOVE quotes and was happy to happen across your blog on day when you were talking about them. I wrote a post called "Wrods Of Wisdom" about my favorites in November. You can find it at


  15. This captured a huge facet of motherhood - it is so easy to feel insecure or unsure in the face of such a huge "job" - but it's true that with courage and humility, we can really do all that we need to in taking care of our little fruits. :)WE often find strength and wisdom that we didn't even know we had!

  16. This weeks topic has been fun because of the great collection of quotes! Yours are inspiring as well. It takes some bravery to be a mother these days, doesn't it?

  17. Love this quote! I love Woman to Woman! Seriously it makes me think and write something and challenge my brain a little. Thank you so much!!

  18. That quote is what I needed to hear today, thank you. I'm going to soon have to join in on this Woman to Woman. A beautiful idea. :)

  19. I have an idea for a future Woman to Woman, so I thought I'd suggest it here. My toddler son is a super picky eater, so it's a challenge to get healthy food into him. My mother thinks I'm crazy because he is almost three and has never eaten a hot dog. I'd love a topic on how to deal with picky eaters or challenging food requirements (like a vegetarian in the family or someone with food allergies.)

  20. Once again I was late with mine...but I so enjoyed reading all the postings by the other writers. Thanks again for bringing this together!

    I enjoyed reading your views about being a mom!

  21. What a beautiful quote, and a beautiful post!

    Sorry I missed WTW this time around (I may still get a post up, but it will be late if it happens.) However I do hope to get through everyone else's...we had such a great turn out this time!

  22. Look Ma, no hands!

    I love that. I remember many moments of triumph when I realized it could do it, even when it was hard. What wonderful encouragement on motherhood and the belief that your choices are the right ones!!

    (It's going to take me a week to read all these!)

  23. Another great topic. Sorry I'm a little late in posting...

  24. Thank you SO much for your kind comments on my W2W post! You very eloquently validated my role in life!!

    Please feel free to visit any time!


Love to hear your comments, thoughts, insights and will return the favor. Thanks for stopping by!