19 June 2007

Let them eat cake!

Every Monday, my children and I cook or bake together. Yesterday, in our hunt for something yummy, we came across these adorable cupcakes at Family Fun. And I got the idea to take it further by making a cookie sheet cake, with lily pads made of fondant, and these darling little frog eyes poking up all over the water. So today I will share my mother-in-law's delicious sheet cake recipe with you. It's come in handy in many-a-pinch! Then all you need to add to it is some blue icing for the water, fondant or green icing for lily pads, and green gumdrops/white chocolate chips/black decorator's icing for the eyes.

Your kids are sure to enjoy eating cake... just because!

Preheat oven to 400.

2 c. flour
2 c. sugar
1 stick butter
4 T cocoa
1 c. water
1/2 c. oil
2 eggs
1/2 c. buttermilk
1/2 t baking soda
1 t vanilla

Combine last 4 ingredients and pour over dry mixture (flour, sugar). Add eggs, buttermilk (dissolve baking soda in 1t or so of the buttermilk first) and vanilla. Mix well and pour into greased cookie sheet. Bake for 15-18 minutes.

CHOCOLATE FROSTING (if you prefer):
1 stick butter, melted
3 T cocoa
6 t milk
1 t vanilla
powdered sugar to spreading consistency


I will be out of town for the rest of the week... I hope you all have a good one! Morning Glory at Seeds From My Garden will be introducing the next Woman to Woman topic. Visit her for details on Thursday, June 21st!


  1. What a cute idea and what a lovely tradition of baking with your children! I need to do more of that and let go some of the control.

    I moved my blog to its own domain so I hope you'll visit me when you're back in town. www.survivingathome.com

  2. That is such a cute idea! And yummy, the cake sounds delish. Thanks for sharing with us! Enjoy your time away! :)

  3. What a fabulous tradition! Did you take a picture of the cake?

  4. no - we didn't make this, we ended up making gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches and soup (for lunch). ;) but, i came across this recipe while trying to figure out what they wanted... we'll make it eventually, i am sure!

  5. Sounds like a delicious tradition,I think cooking with kids is a great way to spend time together!

    Have a great trip!

  6. Cute cupcakes! I'll bet your cake turned out darling.

    How do you make fondant?

  7. Oh that is CUTE. Love it, and so creative!

  8. I hope you have a nice vacation- please send me an email when you get home- I need to call you

  9. GREAT idea! I love the sheet cake idea with the eyes coming out of the water! I hope you can make it another Monday and show us the results!

  10. gfxhHey-you are out of town, and Morning Glory will be out of town...is WTW happening this week?

    I will be out of town too, lol, but I was going to put up my post early and hoped someone would add me to Mr. Linky.


Love to hear your comments, thoughts, insights and will return the favor. Thanks for stopping by!