13 June 2007

Attitude adjustment for one, please!

I was lamenting to my husband last night about how tired I've been with my 11 month old still waking at all hours of the night to feed and my boys not realizing that summer = sleeping in. Of course in male fashion he jumped right in ready to quick-fix the problem by saying, "Well, perhaps if you had less going on you would be better able to deal with less sleep." To which I defensively replied, "What am I supposed to do... give something up? Let's see, exercise? cooking? cleaning? spending time with my kids? serving in church? playing my viola? blogging? crafting? I don't see any of those things as dispensible... they all either keep me going or keep this house in order."

By now I am aware that I've got my hands on my hips and I am tapping my toe.

"So just adjust your attitude. Make it all work. And accept the results."

Attitude adjustment? Hmph! Make it work? Hmph! And accept that I will just have to be tired? Hmph!

But remain fulfilled. I guess this is the point where I recognize the thickness of motherhood in which I stand - 4 children under the age of 8 - and decide to pull myself up by my boot straps and keep on keepin' on, or continue to whine.

I hate it when he's right!


  1. Lei, perfect timing for this post as I am walking around today mouning "shoot me"! Owen (who also still gets up every night) was up for several hours in the middle of the night last night with teething pain. During that time, Myles, who shares a room with Owen, woke up with a bloody nose . . . blood, all over him and his bedding . . . ugggh!! And - the same thing. Every time I vent to Sterling, he says, "well, you have too much on your plate!" Not the sympathy that I wanted! LOL! I know, I think that sheer and utter exhaustion goes hand in hand with motherhood. We can do it. We can do it. We will get past this stage and *gasp* actually miss it! (At least that is what I hear!!) :) I feel for you. I really do. I know that you can do it!! Besides, there is no sending them back . . . is there?!

  2. It's a real bummer when they're right. I say allow yourself a moment of whine every now and then, and have some cheese with it. :)

  3. Remember, this is just a season :)!! I pray every day for strength and to not feel tired.

  4. Keep on keepin' on. That's exactly what I'm doing right now. Good luck!

  5. I can't say I understand, because I don't. BUT- I do understand the being over worked and stress with it all. But, you keep going because you have too. Maybe you shoudl give yourself a mini vacation. Get a pedi. :)

  6. Eh, who needs a clean house, right? WAy to go, so far, in DECIDING to move past this!

  7. This reminds me of Elder Holland's talk.

    Particularly this part, "Through these years, mothers go longer on less sleep and give more to others with less personal renewal for themselves than any other group I know at any other time in life. It is not surprising when the shadows under their eyes sometimes vaguely resemble the state of Rhode Island."

    And this (which is one of my favorite quotes), "Do the best you can through these years, but whatever else you do, cherish that role that is so uniquely yours and for which heaven itself sends angels to watch over you and your little ones. Husbands--especially husbands--as well as Church leaders and friends in every direction, be helpful and sensitive and wise. Remember, "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven."

    Thanks for sharing my number one reason I am unwilling to give certain things up - to "remain fulfilled."

  8. Lei, its funny today how many blogs I've read on this very subject of choosing your attitude.

    I hope your day brightens!


  9. It will help as they get bigger. The older ones will be more help and the younger more independent. I don't know if this helps or just annoys but I promise it'll get better . . .

    At least it did for me. It's not like problems go away, it's a set of new ones, but the things that really drain you aren't the same anymore when the kids get a little older.

  10. Know what helps me when I'm feeling overwhelmed and overworked?

    A day off.

    I;m going to the spa soon with my mom to get a pedicure and then we'll go out to lunch. It works every time. I come back refreshed and relaxed and much more prepared to handle the demands of motherhood.

  11. I've come to the conclusion that motherhood=fatigue. In some way or another. But it's worth it! - most days :)

  12. It's amazing what a little sleep & a little sunshine will do for your attitude. But when you are utterly exhausted, its hard to see anything a new way. Hang in there.

  13. I still have not gotten over it!


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