04 May 2007

I've learned a thing or two from sticking up for myself!

And that is that a) your voice will be heard and b) you can make a difference! Let's see... I got $100 in gymbuck$ when the Gymb0ree party folks didn't show up to host my son's birthday party. Plus a free party. I also got $600 in damage reimubursement from the moving company that beyond ruined our furniture (all 2 pieces of it, lol) when we moved across seas. I've been published in Real $imple for my rebuttal on an article that encouraged disciplining other people's wiggly children on airplanes.

I may be zen-minded, but I believe in principles. And several principles have been compromised by K-BULL 93 in Salt Lake City. One of MOFs (aka my online friend) sent her husband off to Iraq yesterday morning. On her way home from the airport, she called in to K-BULL to enter a contest exclusively for relatives of the deployed to win tickets to the opening of Spiderman 3. She won. They put her on hold, for over 30 minutes, and somehow disconnected her. She called back, spoke to a deejay who then gave her a business phone number to call, and in the end her message was not returned and she missed out. Now, I do not really need to stress the emotional state she was in, but somehow that got overlooked. She was in tender spirits on that difficult morning, but they had been briefly lifted by this radio station (who openly claims to be be “supporting our troops and their families”by the way). And now they have been callously stomped upon in reaction to a "reputation" to uphold... a reputation that was hardly compromised by her casually mentioning her disappointment to some friends. Do you want to know what happened to one of the few friends who stepped up on her behalf? She got slammed. She was grilled over the specifics of the situation and told very rudely that she was just b---ching to them over nothing. And do you want to know what happened to poor MOF? They called her (this morning) and had her in tears (and puking) over the matter... said they did not appreciate her telling others what had happened. How ironic that they care about a reputation!

Well, now the blogworld has been sic'ed on them! How's that for telling others? Lol! And I believe reputation is well on it's way out the window. I'm just doing my small part to spread the word... it's just not right, the way they've handled this! And I believe that if enough people show their disdain, some good will come of it. We are women... hear us roar, right?

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  1. Don't ever underestimate a woman scorned who has access to the internet.

  2. I'm sure the radio station will be regretting the way they handled that situation.

    Kbull was my favorite radio station when I lived in Utah. My son (barely 3 when we moved) used to go around singing, "Kbull 93" all the time.

  3. I heard about this and I think it's just horrible.

  4. We definitely need to start making businesses accountable for what they market. Let us know what happens!

  5. i am a military wife. there have been several of my friends and friends husbands in iraq, afganistan, and deployed in other ways.
    this might sound a little odd, but no matter who you are, you should not be treated this way at all. the matter is just made worse when they are targeting military families.
    she can tell who ever she wants. they cannot tell her what she can and cannot do.
    you bet they are regretting it, and i hope they pay dearly. if they cannot follow through with what they advertise, then they should have some consequences.....

  6. MSN just published an article on companies with the worst track record for customer service. Not surprisingly, the Top 10 consisted of large companies like Bank of America, CitiCards and Comcast, just to name a few. I guess if your company is big enough and already making money hand over fist, it doesn't mean that you have to be polute or helpful to your customers.

    It pays to complain. I have had restaurant bills reduced because of poor service or poorly cooked food. I got free delivery on some furniture because the original order came in damaged. I didn't pay a dime for a significantly large order of digital pictures because they didn't come in as promised.

    That stinks that your friend was treated this way. Kudos to you for sticking up for her, and a big thanks to all our military men and women!

  7. I've been trying to teach my teenager how to stick up for herself without being cocky or arrogant. She doesn't have a lot of confidence or assertiveness and sometimes the junior high scene can be brutal. She just doesn't know how to deal with mean girls.

  8. scribbit: i know the movie Mean Girls may not be something that you would want your daughter to watch (i personally love it. i remember those same things from school) but it is based on a book called (i think, not sure) Queen Bee's and Wannabees. in the extra's on the DVD they talk about that book, and the author also was interviewed, and it was really really interesting. that is one of the books that i want to read before my daughter gets to JH.

  9. OH MY GOSH! I just read about this tonight. I am so glad that I didn't know about it before it got (somewhat) resolved . . . I would have had to send in a special email. Sterling and I were laughing about the power of blogging women!! LOL!


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