13 April 2007

Pictures, pictures

Well, Easter was grand at our house. My daughter turned eight and was baptized the day before! I don't think she'll ever forget this weekend. If not for the timing of everything, than because I took a million pictures!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

More to come... her "spajama" party is tomorrow night!


Did you miss Woman to Woman? Our next installment will be on April 24th. You can find a schedule of future topics here!


  1. Oh they all look wondeful. What a happy day for you guys!

  2. Gorgeous pictures! Love the curly red hair.

    I still remember my baptism day very well.

  3. Aww! Those pictures were very cute. I love the one of all 4 of them.

  4. You have beautiful children! What a wonderful occasion for lots of pics. :-)

  5. I love the sepia tones in pictures and your daughters are beautiful. What a wonderful weekend for your family.

  6. Love all the photos! What a special weekend to be baptized. I still remember the day I became a member of the church too... being 8 is so awesome!

  7. Looks like a great weekend! And I adore that head of curls.

  8. What a gorgeous group of children! Taking lots of pics is a must for special occasions.

  9. They are sooooo beautiful! You're very blessed. I can truly imagine what a special day it was for your daughter.

  10. She is so beautiful Leilani! I cannot believe how grownup she is! Congratulations!

  11. Beautiful. Love the red hair.

  12. Great pictures.

    I'm so sad I missed woman to woman this week. I even had good stuff to say. It;s been one hectic week.

  13. what a great time for your fam. they are darling!

  14. What a beautiful little girl and that big ol' BOW made me chuckle!


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