18 April 2007

Next Woman to Woman

Our topic on April 24th will be "Enduring health problems - either your own, a spouse's or a child's". I know there are many bloggers out there who post almost exclusively about their hardship with health issues... there are women out there struggling with infertility, there are children out there with debilitating diseases, there are spouse's who need constant care and attention. Some of us may only know somebody dealing with these challenges and have observed how they cope. Others of us may have personal experience with having to endure such difficulties. Please share your stories, whatever they may be!

Again, if you need the button codes, feel free to email Morning Glory or myself.

If you're new to Woman to Woman and would like to know more, click here. A schedule of topics is listed here.


Love to hear your comments, thoughts, insights and will return the favor. Thanks for stopping by!