08 March 2007

Woman to Woman

I think that women tend to compartmentalize themselves, categories being: married, single, divorced, widowed, furthering a career, potty training, abiding by a soccer schedule, avoiding drivers ed., becoming grandparents... you get the picture. And we feel safe in our own little worlds, forgetting to reach out or try to relate to women that are in other stages of their lives.

I have truly benefitted from knowing women of all walks of life. And honestly, not just knowing them, but becoming friends with them, learning from them and loving them for all they have to offer me in my journey through womanhood. I've stumbled upon one such woman since I began blogging, and that is Morning Glory. She is genuine and encouraging and purposely reaches out to other women. I really admire that and think we need more of it in this world. She also happens to be in a completely different stage in her life than I am: she's been married for 36 years and has 6 grandchildren by her two daughters.

So, I've asked Morning Glory to help me organize a writing forum that will allow women, regardless of age or status, to see how their lives intersect with each other and how each of us have a very unique perspective (on a variety of both serious and lighthearted issues) that may be beneficial to one another. I was hoping she would lead me through this, but she would only agree to "hold hands and not trip over each other". Lol!

We are calling this project "Woman to Woman" (her idea... don't you love it?). And she found this wonderful quote, which I think serves as a proper toast:

Here's to good women.
May we know them,
May we be them,
May we raise them.

"Woman to Woman" begins next Tuesday, March 13, and will continue to happen on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of every month. Our first topic will be "In this skin"... in which you will tell us all how aging has affected you personally, your attitude towards it and what you've learned from it. Morning Glory and I will each have a Mr. Linky on our blogs for our readers, but we hope that our participants will branch out and get to know bloggers outside of their usual circles by visiting both of our sites. We will be providing two ultra fun and feminine buttons to choose from as a way to label your post and participation. They've been designed by two other bloggers in our midst, Beth (Morning Glory's daughter, from the former blog Her Majesty's Throne) and Zoe (my good friend from Fresh Preserves).

So, get hyped up for a really wonderful opportunity to share your unique thoughts and perspective with other woman bloggers and meet back here on Monday, March 12 to grab yourself a button. Post your thoughts on Tuesday the 13th, sign Mr. Linky at one or both of our sites, then leave a comment. Oh, and SPREAD THE WORD! We really want to see this opportunity reach bloggers far and wide!


  1. What a good idea! I think I'll join in. :)

  2. I am so excited about this! This really is a great idea and BOY do I ever have a lot to say about how aging has effected me!! LOL!! (We haven't talk about this huh?) I am realizing that I am not my youthful college self anymore . . . sniff, sniff!

  3. Well, I'm glad I read the other comments. It would be pretty embarrassing if Morning Glory didn't join in.

    This is a great idea. One of the things I love best about blogging and the new friends I've made through it is that age never factors in. Everyone of us out here has things we can teach each other, no matter our age. It will be interesting to see how this Woman to Woman idea spotlights that.

  4. What an inspiring idea you have created. I will just have to start thinking early about ideas ... my mind isn't always on its writing game - I think it is because I am getting older and it has too many other things filling up its contents. In fact, I think I might just use this to start my post for next Tuesday :)!!

  5. I have now done my part in spreading the word :) !!

  6. Great idea. I have already told MG so! I will be there on Tuesday.

  7. I've just come from Morning Glory's blog. I think this is a wonderful idea. I'm delighted you decided to do this. Count me in!!

  8. What a great idea! I'll join in!

  9. This is a great idea! I'll be there. Did you know that Morning Glory is my lovely aunt? ;-)

    LOL at Barb!!

  10. This is great. I'm looking forward to it!

  11. Sounds promising...I look foreward to seeing what comes of this.

  12. I've just got to tell you, I have your blog minimized in the background while I'm working because I REALLY like your music!

  13. lynda b. - yes, some of my absolute favorite songs. i was going to post a new playlist, but it seems like this one hasn't quite worn out its welcome... :)

  14. What a very good idea you have going. It should be very fun to see what will come of it. The hard part for me will be remembering the DATE! :)

  15. I like this idea. I'm not very sure of myself as a writer, though. Still, I can't wait to see the contributions of others. This could be really great!

  16. I am looking forward to joining in also. I'm not even sure how I got here though...yet I am glad I did!

  17. This sounds great! I will participate when I can and I look forward to reading what other ladies have to say!

  18. What a super idea...I'm in. Thanks for sharing.

  19. It was kind of challenging to write my own piece but affirming and supportive to read everyone else's. Thanks for getting this whole woman to Woman thing going for us!

  20. How do I join in? I signed in on your blog but where do I share my thought or quote? Is it every Tuesday?


Love to hear your comments, thoughts, insights and will return the favor. Thanks for stopping by!