21 March 2007

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One of my most fabulous design secrets in the kitchen (lol) has been to use a floor tile as a cutting board. I dislike plastic cutting boards because of the slice marks that remain and turn gray over time. I dislike wooden cutting boards because they are porous and that gives my the heeby jeebies (sp.?). A floor tile (and anyone whose had their floor done probably has remnants lying around) is a sleek solution for me.

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**Have you heard about Woman to Woman? Tomorrow we will be explaining the topic for next Tues, Mar. 27! Please join us!


  1. What a clever idea! Thanks for the design tip :)!!

  2. Great idea! My plastic boards are gray and orange from tomatoes. I have bleeeeached them to no avail.

  3. Man I love Alanis.

    I guess the cutting board idea's OK too....


  4. Brilliant idea! I have to check into this. Thanks for sharing! =)

  5. great idea! i don't know why I never thought of that.

  6. It doesn't dull your knife faster? My dad uses some leftover granite instead of a hot pad, but it would be great as a cutting board too! (if it doesn't dull my knife that is ;) )

  7. Meadow - not that I've noticed!

  8. That's a great idea. Especially with our remodel going on. I bet you could back it with cork or something to keep it from scratching things or slipping.

  9. What a great idea. So much easier to clean than wood!!!

  10. I've been using one of our left over tiles as a cutting board ever since I first read this. I LOVE IT! Thanks for the tip.


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