15 March 2007

I am so impressed...

... with the caliber of women we had participate on Tuesday. Reading your entries confirmed that this idea I had of joining perspectives "woman to woman" would be beneficial. I am so grateful that Morning Glory agreed to do this crazy thing with me... I know its success was matched by her ideas and her readership. I hope you all enjoyed reading some new blogs as much as I did. I hope you saw the benefit of being your own self and appreciated the differences of your fellow women as well.

My house is upside down right now. We are in the process of creating a play area for our children, which has meant undoing an entire room and building it back up from the bottom. I am also getting organized and purging while I have the drive. It's been a tiring and fun and tiring week.

In other news, my entry to Scribbit's Write-Away Contest received an honorable mention. You should really go read the other entires and winners. There are some amazing writers out there.

I know it's not often that I leave you with nothing to chew on. I promise I will be back soon with some new thoughts. In the mean time, visit my other blog for some pretty stuff to look at. :)


  1. I'm also so pleased that we did this. It was really fun to anticipate and even more wonderful to read what everyone had to say. I'm looking forward to our next one.

  2. I wish I'd had my act together better this week to join in, I think it's a great idea.

    And I love it that I now know that it's Lei/lay :)

  3. I get into purge mode myself every so often - my inner "clutter Nazi" comes charging out and I want to get rid of anything not nailed down. It is amazing how much STUFF we Americans accumulate.

    When doing my own Spring cleaning (no matter what the season) my criteria for whether I'll keep something or pass it on is 1) do I actually use it? 2) do I absolutely treasure it? If I cannot say YES without reservation to one of those questions out it goes, either to Goodwill, e-bay or the trash, depending on the item. Otherwise I'd be buried in odd bits of stuff that MIGHT come in handy some day.

  4. Hurray! I saw the honorable mention though I think you deserved better after reading your entry. I guess I'll just have to go check out the competition. :-)

  5. WOW - your site is GORGEOUS as is your work!!! WOW - stunning! LOVE it ALL!!!

    You are soooo talented - I am dripping with green envy! ;)

  6. This week was crazy and I totally forgot, but I really want to do it next week!!


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