31 January 2007

Hey, what is going on here?

Poor Sasha. I think she expected her first taste of cereal and applesauce to be much more thrilling. She's almost 7 months old now. The time has crept up on me. How can this be happening? When she has the ability to stop time, with her first smile, her first roll, her first time sitting up? Who is this toe mouthing, "da-da" repeating, chubby legged, dough-y knuckled doll looking up at me?
Really wasn't that taken just yesterday?
I hope I never forget the way she imitates my mouth moving or my eyes blinking. I hope I'll always be able to picture her with her whole fist in her mouth. I hope the memory of my nose against the back of her downy, scrunchy neck never fades away. Nor the sweet, sweet smell of her soft, perfectly round head.
I have already packed away some of her things... so tiny and perfect.
And I know that before long she will be running away from me, giggling and needing me less. Yes, the very same screaming, colicky, wonder-eyed, toothless, bundled child from yesterday.
To quote Anna Quindlen, "I want to throw the lariat of my love and my arms around her and say: Stay still."


  1. Such a tender post! I love all the faces she is making while she is tryinig out her food and I absolutely adore the picture of her sleeping - so precious. They do grow up so fast!

  2. That first picture is a hoot! She looks so disgusted!! Yes, Corinne is already so independent. Killing me softly...

  3. Wow, I can't believe she is old enough for solid food already! She is such a beauty. I have almost forgotten some of those things about my babies---they are getting so old. I need to spend some time looking through their scrapbooks this evevning.

  4. I can't believe how big Sasha is getting! Where does the time go?

  5. making me cry. Seriously, Lei. Don't do that to me. I have a baby just like the one in the last picture-- and pretty soon she's going to be eating applesauce! waaaah!!!

  6. Lei, she's so beautiful! It seems like we were just reading about her birth yesterday. Time goes waaaaay to fast!!

  7. I've even seen her recently, and yet I can't believe she's so old already. It seems like it wasn't that long ago that you announced you were pregnant.

  8. Such wonderful pictures! At least we have these to help us remember.

    Thank you for stopping by my post about our journey with Kevin. Did you get a chance to read his as well? I am looking forward to the next addition. I am learning much about what we did not know.

  9. They grow so quickly.. and I keep thinking she is only 3 months old. Wow the time has flown. She is beautiful.

  10. I must be especially hormonal or something today because that made me teary! How did she get so big so fast? MAKE IT STOP!

  11. *sigh*. That post makes me want to cry because my youngest is almost 3 already and I can remember her being a baby like it was yesterday. :-(

    Those pictures are adorable!

  12. What wonderful photos!
    Yes, they grow up too fast... I just want to remember every little thing but I can't... sigh. My girl is almost 21 months already!!!

  13. *grin*
    I lov ethe pic's-- and the last one- so precious!! :) Something sad- I can't even remember Nathan that little anymore.. LOL!

  14. Apparently, applesauce is not her favorite yet. She is adorable though.

  15. AWWW.That is a lovely post :)
    I know just how you feel!!!I packed McKenna's Clothes from 6-12 away today..It just went tooo fast!!Hugs..

  16. Oh so sweet she is! Sounds like you're ready to make another one!

  17. ugh... kristi, really? because i'm done. sad, but done. so don't say that! lol!


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