30 August 2006

Well, it works for me!

I have been that mom who goes back to the grocery store several times a week because she didn't have the time to sit down and make one comprehensive list, ultimately forgetting some things. I'm not super organized with a weekly menu or anything, but I do keep one master grocery list saved on my computer. That way I can print it out and check off all the things we could need that week. Everything we ever use or eat is on that list, so it is virtually impossible for me to forget anything!

Works for me!!!


  1. That is an awesome idea... I had the same thing for a long time and need to make a new one, updated for our current needs. Very good!

  2. Great idea! I HATE making out grocery lists.

  3. I love making lists, but it always seems I am running out to the store and therefore don't have time to make a good one. Think I'll give your idea a try. Thanks.

  4. Oooh! That's a great idea. (and you know how much I adore lists!) I've been doing a monthly menu for a few months now and it seems to be going better than the weekly menus. But I still keep forgetting the "smaller" things that aren't necessarily on the dinner menu. And oddly enough, it's usually the things we use more often. I'm so going to copy your idea and make some sort of master grocery list. Much easier to cross things *off* than always try to remember them.

  5. I have a list like that for traveling. Makes it so much easier when I don't have to write stuff down every time!

  6. I SOOOO need to implement this idea. You are a genius!

  7. we do something similar.. I make up a menu for the coming 3-4 months. Sure saves time and a whole lotta $$$ when it comes to buying groceries! :)

  8. That is a FABULOUS idea. I do the same thing (going to the grocery store several times a week. A master list. Genius, I say! :-)

  9. The only way my husband will go grocery shopping with me is if he transfers my list onto a spreadsheet format where he can add the price next to each item! Then he prints off 2 copies for each of us to have! Ok, I like being organized and writing out my lists(And trust me, I do have legible handwriting) but come on! A little excessive, don't ya think? I guess I should be thankful that he'll even come with me sometimes!

    Even after all of that, we still end up adding things to the list or forgetting to put something on there by the time we go to the grocery store and get home!

  10. Thats a great idea!I love making lists for things.But i put them down and then i can not find it and go with out them!
    What a great idea thanks.


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