21 August 2006

Moral of the Day Monday

I am not certain of its original roots, but whomever coined or interpreted the phrase "Cleanliness is next to godliness" must not have had children. 4 children to be exact. I'm no sloth; I love an inviting and tidy home where the Spirit can reside. But I have learned to let go when I need to and to forego perfection in favor of quality family life. And it's a good feeling, to know that I can now look at:

laundry or art supplies left out on the table,

a few toys sprinkled on the family room floor,

or a little boy that's so excited to go outside and play he forgets to put any pants on, as signs of a happy home. And not be concerned with lining up the tassles on my oriental rugs. Because we all know that happiness is really what's next to godliness.

And that's the moral of the day!


  1. I too have learned to let little things go for the sake of more family time and sanity. Whenever I think of the future with a clean house, it's always followed by the thought of no small children running around. My house will look great, but I'm sure it won't be as lively and fun.

  2. I needed that reminder today as I'm barely keeping my head above water cleaning up puke and doing the laundry that accompanies it. Thanks!

  3. I wish I had learned that as early in my mothering as you have. Good for you!

  4. They are only little for so long. I keep telling myself that they will remember me more for playing with them than they will for keeping all of the toys picked up.

    Yay for you!!!

  5. Your house still looks pretty dang good to me. :)

  6. I'm finally learning that lesson. Time with our children is much more important than a spotless home. Let them be little!

  7. At least the laundry is folded!

  8. i just remind myself its all their fault--

  9. That's the moral I've been striving to live by for a while now. When I forget that, I'm miserable. When I remember that, I'm happy and content in my motherhood skills.
    And you know I have a soft spot in my heart for pantless kids! (or me, for that matter. pants...who needs 'em)

  10. GREAT reminder for all of us! Thank you!!!

  11. Yes, and then something comes over me and I want THE HOUSE CLEANED RIGHT NOW!!!!!, forgetting all the happy thoughts.

  12. Thanks for the reminder Lei, you are so right.

  13. Thanks for this post. I think it goes for anyone regardless of the age of their kids, or lack of children. Sometimes we need to focus on things more important than dust or perfect vacuum lines on the carpet. :)

  14. THanks for rearranging my thinking today---Instead of speaking about the mess in my house...I will shout--what happiness we have in this home!


  15. A very good reminder!

    When the hubby came home from work yesterday, the kitchen and family room were a wreck---art projects and supplies, blankets and chairs from making forts, block, etc...all over! Hubby said "has it been a rough afternoon?" "No, I answered, we've just been really busy!" He was happy to hear it and helped clean up.

  16. What a great reminder! I need that. So often I am worried if it is clean enough I forget to let them play.

  17. Oh how cute! Playing with no pants, I love it. But you're entirely right, and I must remember this!

  18. I couldn't agree more!

  19. I am also trying to let all the little things go. It is so hard sometimes to do that, though. By the way, your house looks fantastic and very clean.:)

  20. "Cleanliness is next to godliness." I've always thought that meant that in heaven all messes will be self cleaning. YES!

  21. I really hope I can get there someday! I'm a sahm and have a hard time keeping up with my 2 year old and husband! I can't imagine what it would be like with more kids (and we definitely want more) or for someone who has or wants to work! That's hard stuff! Kudos to all Moms!

  22. I really need to send you a picture of my kitchen at this very moment...you would feel SO good about the state of your home! I am overwhelmed with clutter today! C

  23. Really like the switch to Monday Moral. Loved this post. I need to remember this more. Probably shoud change my mantra to Happiness is next to Godliness!!!


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