21 April 2006

Why I hate taking family pictures

I love photography. Love it. I hate photographing my family. Hate it. None of them like being in front of the camera, first of all. Cutest darn people on the earth, too ( if i do say so myself). We do much better with candid shots, like this one (my favorite):

Of course, it helps when the subject is 6 months old and not into protesting yet. Still, even to get a good candid shot, where no poising or smiling or saying "cheese" is required, I have to wear my camera around my neck like a ball and chain the whole livelong day and take about 1,000 pictures.

I reluctantly share with you our family Easter pictures. Actually, half family Easter pictures. Why only half of us? Because the other 2 had a nice bath in red juice during Sunday School. It never fails to happen... the ruining moment, that is. Did I try to get my little family to cooperate for pictures BEFORE church? Yes, yes I did. Did my husband support me in that request? No, no he didn't. Imagine the look he got when the juice cup exploded all over the both of them. It was a classic look, I tell you. And I hope my words from earlier that morning were going through his mind ("We have a much better shot at a family picture now before life happens to us."), but I doubt it. Actually, he seemed shocked that the juice disaster happened at all. Yes, I know it was an unforeseeable accident. But these accidents find their way in on all major holidays and events requiring pictures. Murphy's law or something. He should know that as well as I do by now.

So, I'll start off with the best picture we got. Now, my husband is not a photographer. Otherwise he might have noted the shadows on our faces... namely the ones that highlight my pudgy 7 month pregnant cheeks. Also, that we might look better with feet. But I'm not a perfectionist or anything!

This is an interim picture of us getting TO the good picture... I look calm, but I am not. :) Through gritted teeth I am saying "Honey, please tell me before you shoot." "Adriana, stop making your turtle face." and "Jonah get your hands out of your mouth." Oh yeah, and "WHERE ARE OUR FEET!" :)

And this is the worst picture. Do not be fooled by our smiling faces. Particularly the cute ones. Jonah is doing his impression of a leaning tower and Adriana is beckoning a kick from the baby in utero. I, on the other hand, am thinking about strong drinks.

So there you have it. An Easter review. A yearly tradition. Can't wait for next year. Oh wait. Yippee. I don't have to wait for next year... because Christmas is only 8 months away.


  1. LOL at your commentary! I love the post! The pics are great. I'm never in family pics, so I understand. They only turn out if I am behind the camera.

  2. I love the pictures and you look fabulous! I would never guess you're 7mo pg in those pictures. Maybe your height helps, or maybe the outfit is especially flattering, but you look fantastic!

  3. I love that first pic...tooo cute!! The Easter pics I think are great, too. They are honest and real! :-) And I think you look pretty good for being 7 months pregnant! Amazing!

  4. Well, to be perfectly honest, I am 18 days shy of being 7 (calendar) months. Lol.


  5. no pics for us this year- dh wasn't supervising closely (of course the one week he doesn't have meetings) and baby pulled whole jar of apricot baby food all over himself- you look fab

  6. What a cubbalump in that first shot! Too cute! A great post all around. I just love the colors and design of your blog.

  7. You all look great. You don't look that pregnant at all!!! All of our Easter pictures were over exposed. I hit the wrong setting on my camera. Whoops. I am going to make them wear their dresses again this Sunday and fudge this years Easter pictures. Tee-hee.

  8. Oh so brave, Stephanie... I only wish I had the patience (and desire) to go there again!

  9. The pix are still VERY cute!

    And FWIW...Some of the best "memory pix" I have from growing up have me and my sibs climbing all over like little monkeys!

  10. Love the stories behind the pictures! Those make them great pix!

  11. YOu are such a cute pregnant woman...can't believe your 7 months. My features were hardly distinguishable at that point!

  12. LOL. 7 mos prego-- no way! Wow, I'm so impressed. The pictures are good, no worries :)

  13. I think it ,must be the angle... because I really DO look 7 months pg! I've gained 30 lbs. already!!!

  14. If only I looked that good seven months pregnant....great shots...a beautiful family!

  15. So, how did you manage to leave the newest member of your family out of the picture? Seriously, there is no belly there! Oh, and the last shot is my favorite. Outakes have character. In one of our Easter shots the baby is pulling her sister's hair while her other sister alligator yawns.

  16. So funny. I prefer candids, too. Which is why I don't have tons of pictures. Oh well.

  17. You all look wonderful and happy. Family pictures are so hard to do and your family looks outstanding.:)

  18. I love all of them, but the first one is so stinkin cute!

  19. What great pictures. I love the naked baby pic. And I will second everyone who said you look terrific. We didn't do a family pic. on Easter. oops!

  20. ok, you totally get it that you do NOT look 7 months pregnant, right?
    whoah! :D

  21. Well, I thought they were great pictures. 7 months pregnant? You look awesome!

  22. Taking pics is always crazy at our house too. The second we whip the camera out, A-boy averts his eyes and walks off an nonchalantly. So nice.

  23. I love that naked picture. So cute! And I think your Easter pics are great!!! And ya...my 1st thought was "wow! She looks GREAT! 7 months pg?! NO WAY!"

  24. I love the baby picture! The Easter pictures aren't so bad as you think...you'll appreciate having them later on in life :-) I like the picture of you looking down at your children.

  25. I LOVE the pictures Lei!! I think that they are priceless!! You look awesome!!! Okay, and that picture of Drew . . . oh I just want to squeeze him! Sooo cute!

  26. love the pictures! I have something similar at my place today

    Mary,mom to many

  27. I loved the pictures and the look on your face. Gritting your teeth while still smiling.

    And you look wonderful at 7 months pg!


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