20 March 2006

Speak to me!

Yay or nay on this new look?


  1. It hurts my eyes a little! :(

  2. I was going to leave a comment about this in an unrelated post - thanks for giving me relevance :)

    I love the new look (and the new pic). Very CHIC!

  3. Ok, love this last look, with the words on the solid background.

    Looks great!

  4. Looks Good!!! I have been out for a couple days and when I checked I thought I had the wrong place!!! Looks good!!!

  5. It's a BIG YAY from me now!
    Love it!

  6. Love the solid background for the words. Makes it easier to read.

  7. See what I'd do for you Bela? Lol.

    Jessica - yay, nice to see you again. Thanks about the pic... that's me!

  8. nice- i like it --mine is seeming o so lame now!

  9. Les - want some tips or guidance? I don't know much, but could maybe point you in the right direction. It's time consuming, though... I wonder if it's been worth all the trouble. :S

    Oh, and Linsey - I'll be your biggest competition in best site design next year... snark, snark. ;)

  10. I like it. I still need to learn more about tables to change mine. That and finding the right images. :)

  11. Hi Lei! I am so sorry that I haven't visited sooner!! I am still recouperating a bit from our trip. I LOVE the look of your blog. I am impressed. I also love that you put that picture up of yourself . . . it is one of my favorites. I am not quite sure how to change the font on blogs. I can ask Sterling but email me and let me know what you are thinking! I missed you!

  12. yes- i'd love help-- oh great template modifier- lei

  13. I like this look. I have been out of the loop for a few days. Seems like you are learning more than me now! I'll be asking you for help soon enough.

  14. hey again. When I was trying to comment using Firefox browser, I was having trouble for some reason. I switched to AOL and noticed some differences on your template design. In firefox, the dotted border is not showing up on the outside of your main posts and your flikr pictures are outside the sidebar. In AOL, the dotted lines are outside and the flikr pics remain in the sidebar. I'm not sure how to fix that though, but thought you'd want to know, in case you don't know.

  15. I know I am late but I Love it!


Love to hear your comments, thoughts, insights and will return the favor. Thanks for stopping by!