18 March 2006


I've been trying to simplify my life and am reminded of joy in little things... flowers - indoor and out, open windows, the smell of rain, fresh baked cookies, children's books, a great big blanket that covers a family of 5, new spoken words from my 17 month old, all 3 kids laughing at the same time, yummy candles burning for no special reason, a late night movie, lazy Saturday mornings, singing songs with my children. I am sad that I have to be on "restricted duty" to remember to enjoy these abundant things.

So often, we think of simplifying our life in terms of getting things done in a more effective and organized way. This is contradictory if we merely end up squeezing more in. We think simplifying is a means to accomplishing more, and it shouldn't be. It should be a means for lightening our burdens and helping us to enjoy life more.

I love John V. Cheney's words, "The happiest heart that ever beat Was in some quiet breast That found the common daylight sweet, And left to Heaven the rest." We live in a loud, busy world that shuts out the quiet whisper that's constantly telling us to slow down. I believe that even when we hear it, we have a fear of missing out if we don't continue in our struggle to keep up with everyone else. But what is it that stays with us the longest? An appreciation and gratitude for life in its simplest (as God intended?) or a long to-do list with a bunch of check marks?

I admit I get a thrill out of sitting down at the end of a full day and relishing in the fact that I have accomplished the work of a small army. But sacrifices have often been made and I just end up feeling unbalanced. Plus, it takes me longer to see things for the first time. With it being Springtime, there are many new beginnings happening all around us and I find it to be inspiring!

This could go in so many directions... as I am forced to sit back and watch, so to speak, I am sure that I will have more and more thoughts to share!

For now I want you to share with me... What simple things do you enjoy when you take the time?


  1. I love to sit down in my chair during the middle of the day and wait for one of my children to see me (it doesn't take very long!) and suggest that we do something like read a book, play a game, or just cuddle. It's hard for me to take that moment to stop and see what my children are interested in doing with me. I often get caught up in the chores and endless tasks that need to get done, so I have to remind myself that there will always be cleaning and tasks to be done, but my children will not always be little.

  2. I love to just sit down at the end of the day and snuggle with my sleeping babies. It is the best part of my day.

  3. Sometime I just like to put on some great music, read a book, and relax. Or put on some great music that wants to make me Dance.

  4. Hmmm. I commented yesterday, or so I thought, so I guess I'll have to leave another one since the first one didn't take.
    Reading and quilting are the simple things I like.
    Really like these new colors. I think you found a winner.

  5. I love to sit down with a good book. I rarely take the time these days.

    ps--I'm loving the new look.

  6. I love to read! I will often forgo Dishes so I can read my newest book, or even one i have read before, but just really loved...

  7. Reading. Always reading. That is my always pleasure.


Love to hear your comments, thoughts, insights and will return the favor. Thanks for stopping by!