01 March 2006

It's Wild Card Wednesday again!

Today I want to do a Wednesday poll. I shamefully admit that I love polls. So, if you enjoy sharing random tidbits about yourself, today's your day!

W - What are you reading right now?
E - Your favorite thing to do in the evening?
D - Do you get into Spring cleaning?
N - What should a I blog about next Wild card Wednesday?
E - What is the easiest thing going on in your life right now?
S - Do you have a favorite scripture? (or quote)
D - What is your least favorite day of the week and why?
A - Are you really good and anything in particular?
Y - What is your favorite flavor of yogurt?


  1. W - What are you reading right now? - Janet Evanovich books - a bit raunchy, but fun
    E - Your favorite thing to do in the evening? - sleep, surf the net, read, cuddle with my honey
    D - Do you get into Spring cleaning? - Yup!
    N - What should a I blog about next Wild card Wednesday? - Your favorite MOFstra's. ;)
    E - What is the easiest thing going on in your life right now? - um, nothing really.
    S - Do you have a favorite scripture? (or quote)
    D - What is your least favorite day of the week and why? - Monday - because I have to go back to work.
    A - Are you really good and anything in particular? - I'm good at baking
    Y - What is your favorite flavor of yogurt? - Raspberry

  2. w-just trying to get through issue of Martha stewart kids!!
    e-paint eat watch old movies
    n- not formally
    s- okay scrip is too long- i'll copy my juice glass "smart women thirst for knowledge"
    d- monday
    a- making treats, brainstorming
    y- blackberry

  3. W-Chronicles of Narnia (all) and Believing Christ
    E-crawl in bed with herbal tea and a book and my cat
    D-DEFINITELY. I am a clean freak.
    N-What you would do if you had 10 million dollars?
    E-Work. (I blog all day if that tells you anything)
    S-D&C 6:34-37
    D-Monday because I miss my DH after a weekend with him
    A-I've got eating down pat.

  4. W - What are you reading right now? The Ladies Auxiliary
    E - Your favorite thing to do in the evening? Hang out with dh, watching movies or tv
    D - Do you get into Spring cleaning? no, I try to keep it up all year round
    N - What should a I blog about next Wild card Wednesday? your baby
    E - What is the easiest thing going on in your life right now? dinner tonight-- KFC, so no dishes to do
    S - Do you have a favorite scripture? (or quote) "O be wise, what can I say more?" (in Jacob)
    D - What is your least favorite day of the week and why? Saturday if dh is working, otherwise Monday
    A - Are you really good and anything in particular? spending time on the computer
    Y - What is your favorite flavor of yogurt? coconut

  5. W - Um, People Magazine...;-)

    E - Watch shows with dh and computer

    D - I have trouble getting into cleaning...period.

    N - Um, me? Just a suggestion...

    E - Finn

    S -Proverbs 31:25 Or the Who can find a virtuous woman...

    D - Used to be Tuesday because nothing was going on, but now it has something special, so i guess Monday because we have to do it all over again...

    A - Doing Hair

    Y - Um, Peach

  6. P.S. I love your font darker, easier to read. Dang I should have put that on my "E" For easiest thing right now. Reading your blog, Yay!!!

  7. Oh, good to know Linsey. I just wanted some color on the screen for a change until I get a snazzier template done.

  8. Hi Lei-
    I love polls!

    W-reading the Book of Mormon- trying to finish it!
    E-veg in front of the TV or finish some projects
    D- Heck yeah!! My husband hates it. I am already starting my list and the first thing on it is cleaning out the canned lights!!
    N-Hummm, I don't know, I am not good at these things! :)
    E-My yard looks nice (mostly because it is still too cold for any grass or weeds to grow!)
    s- . . . "My body is a temple of the spirit that dwells within it" Trying not to hate my growing belly and butt
    d-Mondays- it is early out for school. :(
    a- I think that I am good at talking and listening (sometimes!!) :)
    y- Hands down CHERRY!!!! :)

    PS Lei, if you want me to help you with your temp. let me know! ;)

  9. Fun!!!

    W - What are you reading right now?
    A Prayer for Owen Meany and some LDS romance book that my mom gave me.
    E - Your favorite thing to do in the evening? Surf Blogs and watch tv!
    D - Do you get into Spring cleaning? Yes! I've already started!
    N - What should a I blog about next Wild card Wednesday? Weddings.
    E - What is the easiest thing going on in your life right now? My relationship with my dh
    S - Do you have a favorite scripture? (or quote) Psalms 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy paths.
    D - What is your least favorite day of the week and why? Monday. I HATE having the weekend over and it's laundry day besides.
    A - Are you really good and anything in particular? making cookies
    Y - What is your favorite flavor of yogurt? Vanilla or cherry

  10. W - Deep Harbour
    E - Sleep
    D - nope
    N - whatever you want
    E - nothing easy about right now
    S - Fav quote - Be Doing When
    D - Tuesdays, because dh has sunday/mon off and i hate it when its not the weekend anymore.
    A - sewing and nagging my dh
    Y - Rhubard custard!!

  11. W- Angels and Demons
    E- Internet, TV, Chill
    D- Totally
    N- Stretch Marks
    E- Umm.. I have no idea
    S- Hel 5:12
    D- Friday, it starts the weekend!!
    A- Piano
    Y- PinaColoda

  12. Thank you guys so much for humoring me, lol... it is fun to find little conenctions with each of you!

  13. Nevermind that it's now Thursday...

    W - What are you reading right now? The March Ensign
    E - Your favorite thing to do in the evening? Watch TV and Scrapbook
    D - Do you get into Spring cleaning? Yes!
    N - What should a I blog about next Wild card Wednesday? The best and worst of pregnacy
    E - What is the easiest thing going on in your life right now? life is easy?
    S - Do you have a favorite scripture? (or quote) Yes, but that would require me to get up from here and look it up.
    D - What is your least favorite day of the week and why? Monday b/c dh is gone again.
    A - Are you really good and anything in particular? Sleeping
    Y - What is your favorite flavor of yogurt? strawberry

  14. W - A couple of Books by Dan Brown, but I plan on tackling Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
    E - Read
    D - Do you get into Spring cleaning? - Nope
    N - What should a I blog about next Wild card Wednesday? - Favorite music
    E - What is the easiest thing going on in your life right now? Giggling with my children
    S - Do you have a favorite scripture? D&C 78:14 and 16, You have to know my husbands name and the story of how we met and got engaged!
    D - What is your least favorite day of the week and why? - /Wednesday, I don't know, I just have always hated it.
    A - Are you really good and anything in particular? - Playing the clarinet
    Y - What is your favorite flavor of yogurt? Lemon and Raspberry, but since they have lots of sugar and high fructose corn syrup I eat plain yogurt and put fresh or frozen berries in it, yummy.

  15. W- What are you reading right now? Jane Eyre, Scriptures, March Ensign.
    E - Your favorite thing to do in the evening? Just hang out with my family and unwind for the day.
    D - Do you get into Spring cleaning? - Sometimes. I do "spring cleaning" at various times of the year.
    N - What should I blog about next Wild card Wednesday? Where is your favorite vacation spot?
    E- What is the easiest thing going on in your life right now? Brushing my teeth.:)
    S - Do you have a favorite scripture? 2 Nephi 1:15 But behold, the Lord hath redeemed my soul from hell; I have beheld his glory, and I am encircled about eternally in the arms of his love.
    D - What is your least favorite day of the week and why? Monday - because Saturday seems so far away.
    A - Are you really good at anything in particular? - loving my family. Actually, I am a pretty good cook, too.
    Y - What is your favorite flavor of yogurt? - Rasberry and blueberry.


Love to hear your comments, thoughts, insights and will return the favor. Thanks for stopping by!