12 February 2006

Bloggerettes, celebrate with me!

I've surprisingly been nominated for "Most Thought-Provoking Blog" by One Woman's World (check out the darling icon... I should receive an award JUST for getting that to show up, lol)!

No long speech *insert your eyeroll*, just many thanks to whomever found my ramblings worth noting!

This seals the deal on the experiment for me, girls... I AM a blogger!!!

Oh, and if you'd like to cast your vote, go to http://onewomansworld.blogsome.com/2006/02/07/hello-world/ for more info.


  1. yay yay for one of my favorites!!

  2. Yay for Lei! (I'm a poet!) I know you make me think. Good luck!

  3. Glad you were nominated. You totally deserve it. Every time I leave your blog I leave thinking. That's huge since most of the time I don't think at all. :)


Love to hear your comments, thoughts, insights and will return the favor. Thanks for stopping by!