28 February 2006
I got a promotion!
10) getting over the flu (yeah, puking at 22 weeks = not much fun)
9) signs of spring
8) sonic's new smoothees
7) new maternity clothes (as in holeless!)
6) going out of town this weekend with the girls
5) refurbishing the old family heirloom piano so my daughter can take lessons
4) son #2 singing "e-i-e-i-o" to Old MacDonald (he is only 16 months old; yes I am bragging)
3) son #1 telling me "I love the baby in your tummy" (music to my years since he hated the last one)
2) daughter reading/devouring everything in sight
1) promotions, of course :)
27 February 2006
Who inspires you?
Not only that, but she wrote this to accompany each plaque:
She is born for Glory,
A daughter of God and
A hard-working woman,
Out of sight she balances faith.
Her worn apron speaks,
On its strings testimonies will hang.
Women walk silently.
Truth keeps her garden,
His whisper speaks,
Honor becoming to the Light.
She hand signed each one as well.
I feel so blessed to know this woman, and not just to know her but to be close to her and to be able to draw strength from her. She is such an inspiration to me. I hope you all are so lucky to know someone like this, or be this to someone else.
24 February 2006
Well, last night at dinner, my daughter came up with her own. We were eating a high class meal, to which she commented "This is nasty yummy!"(much in the same way you would decribe something as "wicked"). Now, unless I misunderstood that toothless grin of hers (or someone has actually told her what is IN Kraft macaroni and chesse) she was complimenting the chef. In slang, of course.
Yes, I make some nasty mac-n-cheese. Totally whack. And I am proud of it. :)
23 February 2006
The fountain of youth...
My almost 7 year old is in pursuit of this mythological unravelling of time. I didn't really understand it at first; she's the oldest and therefore has "responsiblity", a term that makes her feel very special. In the last couple of years she's proudly stated her age to anyone who would listen - the pizza man, the check out girl, random house visitors - completely proud of her stage in life. She's allowed to make some of her own decisions, like what to wear. She can get her own snacks. She can decorate her own room. She can walk to our neighbor's house by herself. She can write her name. She can read. In fact, there's hardly anything she CAN'T do. Her younger brothers definitely aspire to be like her, to do these things that they begin to fight for at the ripe old age of 2. So, why would she suddenly want to be younger, especially after surviving the birth of not one, but two younger brothers with the greatest of ease, and embracing her development into a perfect young lady? The explanation lies on a burp cloth, my friends. Yes, it is true. See for yourself:
(I bought these, by the way - aren't they adorable?)
When you are a baby, it IS all about you, apparently a feeling we covet again and again throughout our mortal lives. My daughter is feeling replaced by a younger, spoilbound version of herself, and is therefore developping feelings of rivalry. I suppose there was no competition in having little brothers. She still had her own image, which resembled everything opposite of them. Now, that image is going to be shared by a new little center stage piggy. We've been pouring through her old baby clothes, redoing the nursery in colors very similar to those in her own room, discussing names. This world is no longer her own, the world of being the daughter. No wonder she wishes she could turn back time, much like we look back at our younger abled selves and yearn to relive the past.
One can hardly blame her.
22 February 2006
Wild Card Wednesday...
So, let's begin, shall we?
Okay, there is one thing in my life that I don't think I could ever live without. The most ingenious creation known to man. Something I would probably have on hand even if I randomly woke up on a deserted island, because I never leave home without them. I bet you think you know what it is my smart, smart friends. But you're probably in for a surprise here, or maybe disappointment, because what I'm referring to is wet wipes, in all their simple glory. Are they the most versatile product ever? I think so! I'm not sure how I ever survived my pre-children life without them. Now, there are probably a thousand uses for wet wipes that I have not yet discovered, after all they are near perfect, but here's a list of what I've tried and tested, with 100% success. Prepare. to be. amazed:
cleaning floorboards
removing almost any stain from clothing
getting tennies white again
cleaning the bed of my flip slops to remove dirty footprints
cleaning smudges off of upholstery
getting stains out of the carpet
cleaning gucky noses
giving quick sponge baths (not me, the baby:))
spot cleaning my kitchen floor
As much as I'd like for everyone to believe that I slave over my tile and wood floors, or that dust never falls on my floorboards, or that I have my children trained to never ever spill, or get boogars, or get food anywhere on their faces, I believe in honesty, and in giving credit where credit is due. So. Share all your easy wet wipe secrets with the blogoshpere. Right here. Right now. Please don't hold back ;).
21 February 2006
NOT my finest moment!
20 February 2006
Opposites attract
If I had married another artist, it never would have worked, even though I'd always thought that you should end up with the one you had the most in common with. I'm pretty sure it's better to have one passionate person in the house than two. There seems to be a very good balance this way, but it is interesting the ways in which we have adapted to one another's thinking! The minute Andrew and I began dating seriously, I saw a gradual change in myself, or a pull in his direction... I became more organized, I took an interest in keeping house. I just felt more "together" and definitely ready for more than previous relationships had inspired in me. And you know, it wasn't anything he said or did. Andrew admits he felt the same kind of pull towards me and the things that made me light up. He took me to museums and performances and on picnics for our dates, whereas he had previously been a "dinner and a movie" kind of guy. And he began to feel a little more carefree around me.
So, I am grateful for our ying and yang relationship. We compliment one another. We respect the differences we bring to this union. And I think our children have a lot to learn from the two of us together.
Yes, we make an incredibly brilliant duo. :)
19 February 2006
Mother Figures
I had a very toxic relationship with my mother, one that unfortunately didn't resolve until she passed away. But I went through a mourning process long before she ended her life. I was encouraged in counselling to seek out nurturing relationships with other mother figures, and that this would help me fill the void I suddenly felt upon severing ties with my real mother. I had absolutely no idea where to begin this process! With interviews? "Hi, um, I admire you... would you be willing to take me under your wing?" Lol. But what I soon realized is that mother figures had been in my life all along. And I could draw strength from the already exisiting relationships I had. There was no need to create new ones, nor did they all need to be "motherly". My best friends for instance - always by my side. Like jewels, I tell you. They have definitely nurtured me. In fact, if I really think about it, I feel like Lily in the Secret Life of Bees, for "I have more mothers than any eight girls off the street."
I have come across women who could benefit from this realization. Women like my sister-in-law who are bound in codependant or broken relationships. And I just really hope she finds the strength and the love and the acceptance she needs in the powerful examples that lie all around her.
17 February 2006
I Belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Anyway, as promised today is the day! Drumroll, please... I am going to tell you the truth about all my lies! (Insert "Little Lies" by Fleetwood Mac here for background effect)
1. I love, love, love to exercise. Actually, I don't. I do it, though.
2. My husband and I met on a blind date. TRUE! We were set up by my roomate and his friend, who just happened to be best friends. I was pursuing a mission for my church at the time and he was the 3rd blind date my friends had set me up on that month in an effort to remind me that I wasn't entering a convent, lol! The first two blind dates were anything but fun, and my attitude about the third one was pretty sour. In fact I wore overalls because I was too comfortable to change into anything sassy. Karma got her revenge on me... because we hit it off so well that he took me back to his parents' house later that night to introduce me to them!
3. I've never had a cavity in my life! Half true - I just found out I have 4. My FIRST 4, though. I have not made an appointment to have them filled yet. We'll discuss my abhorrance of dentists later.
4. I am 1/4 Hawaiian. 1/4 Italian, actually. But I'll explain why I have a Hawaiian name for inquiring minds. My mom was born there and felt genuinely connected to the culture. My best friend growing up was Hawaiian, we celebrated Hawaiian style, I learned to hula at the age of 5 and began performing with my mother (who later went on to compete in the well known Merrie Monarch Festival), and eventaully had the opportuntiy to live in the islands after we had our first child.
5. I hate sports because I am no good at them. I love sports and am okay at them. :) I played softball for 10 years and enjoyed basketball, but both my viola teacher and my mother were afraid they were going to have to insure my fingers if I got too involved.
So, Zoe (you can breathe now) and Rachelle got it right! Good for you girls!!!
16 February 2006
True Colors
You with the sad eyes don't be discouraged
oh I realize it's hard to take courage
in a world full of people
you can lose sight of it all
and the darkness inside you
can make you feel so small
But I see your true colors shining through
I see your true colors and that's why I love you
so don't be afraid to let them show
your true colors
true colors are beautiful like a rainbow
Show me a smile then don't be unhappy,
can't remember when I last saw you laughing
if this world makes you crazy
and you've taken all you can bear
you call me up
because you know I'll be there
And I'll see your true colors shining through
I see your true colors
and that's why I love you
so don't be afraid
to let them show your true colors
true colors are beautiful like a rainbow
When I was a little girl I would have told anyone who asked that my favorite color was purple. But it was really my mother's favorite color, who I'd spend my whole life impressing. I didn't really know what MY favorite color was.
The use of Cyndi Lauper's song in the new Dove commercial, promoting their campaign for real beauty and introducing their self esteem fund for girls, moves me to tears. I wish I could shield my children from the intimidating forces of the world, preventing second thoughts to anyone else's opinion of them. I see the menacing world my daughter, especially, is entering (she is almost 7). According to Mary Pipher in Reviving Ophelia (fascinating book, btw), "Many (adolescent girls) lose spark, interest, and even IQ points as a 'girl-poisoning' society forces a choice between being shunned for staying true to oneself and struggling to stay within a narrow definition of female."
I was a bit of an outcast in my pre-teen years, so I can relate to this all too well (and that was 2 decades ago). But I didn't have much time to worry about it with all my artistic pursuits and my strong roots in religion. I do feel I owe a great deal of this "rise above" to my mother, not that she ever took the time to talk with me about "my world" (as I've explained, she was a very domineering woman, unwavering in her ideals), but she accomplished that alluring and amazing goal of motherhood. All her children are strong, disciplined, accomplished and stable.
As I approach a delicate time in my children's life and feel the need to arm them, I struggle to find the right level of expectations for them. I see the positive influence all my endeavors had on me, yet I could never pressure them at home as I was pressured. To me, that is just shifting the difficulties teens face from one world - where there are no emotional attachments quite yet - to another world, where they should feel that very security.
It took me several years of introspection, therapy, and searching to find my true colors in the person my mother wanted me to be, but I have found that good part and have gratitude for the experience as a whole. I've gone from a timid girl who was well rounded but unsure of herself to an assertive woman with a clear picture of who she is and what she has to offer. I certainly won't be paving the same course for my children, but the end goal is the same... to help them find their true colors and let them shine.
15 February 2006
Oops - missed this one!
1) Teacher going Mad
2) Saras always right
3) ProfessorMe
4) Musicalmom
5) According to Lei
Select 5 people to tag:
I think most of MOFs have been tagged, so I'll choose one beautiful new face :)
Okay, now for the goods.
What were you doing 10 years ago?
just shy of 10 years ago, my husband and I met for the first time!
What were you doing 1 year ago?
pretty much the same thing I am doing now, except I wasn't pg, which means I was probably doing it faster :)
Five snacks you enjoy:
fruit energy bars
almost any flavor bread (as long as it's fresh)
pb on anything
Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:
Language or the Kiss - Indigo Girls
End of the World - REM (impressed?)
Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful World - Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwo'ole
A Mother's Prayer - sung by many different artists... Josh Groban and Charlotte Church is my fave version
songs by U2
Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
travel to no end
buy a strad
build my own recording studio and
performing arts school
spend outrageous amounts on genuine art
Five bad habits:
scratching my scalp
leaving the shower door ajar
cleaning my ears with q-tips
using all the cutlery in one day
forgetting to floss
Five things you like doing:
making music
dancing my heart out
Five things you would never wear again:
fluorescent colors or
splatter paint
socks that match my shirt
high tops
Five favorite toys:
my laptop
my new nikon
my kitchenaid mixer
my broiler (how better to cheat campfire-roasted marshmellows?)
my photo printer
Less is more
Okay, so I love my children. A LOT. I mean, I can't help it! They are the cutest, sweetest, most amazing children in the world and I would do anything for them! And until all their decadent glorious chub has been taken over by preschoolian metabolism it's virtually impossible not to devour them (funny there's such a strong correlation to food here, lol). There's a bonus in this outpouring of love, though - they are very affectionate and thoughtful little people... And not just towards me and daddy, but their friends and relatives, even children they meet on the sand. It really is one of their most outstanding features.
Perhaps some of my babying stems from having an overbearing mother (though I'd like to think I've made some incredibly necessary improvements on her example). With the best of intentions, she would embellish our school projects long after we'd gone to bed (yeah, I know), pick out our well matched school clothes (I'm talking well into our elementary years) , get each and every sniffle diagnosed right away, make sure we had the best calculators, dictionaries, books or any other school supply and tool. On the flipside she was extremely demanding, accepting no less than perfection, but that is a different discussion entirely and the part that I have definitely improved upon. :-)
Anyway, my point is, maybe it is time to back off a bit. Be more of a "Bring-it-on" mom (as per this quiz). See what happens. Chances are they'll be fine without me tucking in their shirts 10 times a day, right? Lol. I mean, I wanted so badly to let Drew rip into that frosted cookie at Jonah's class party yesterday, but instead I folded it up neatly in a napkin and waited until we could go home. And strip down. And put his highchair out on the backporch. Who knows, this could lead to really great non-OCD, therapeutic adventures, like the delightful feeling of peanut butter all over your body (see MOF Linsey's son - and btw, I could learn a lot from you girl!). And I wouldn't have a conniption over it, but rather take the time to capture the moment on film and laugh about it later.
I really do need to have some of those moments to blackmail them with later anyway, right?
14 February 2006
Fun, huh? Let's see how well you know me...
1. I love, love, love to exercise.
2. My husband and I met on a blind date.
3. I've never had a cavity in my life!
4. I am 1/4 Hawaiian.
5. I hate sports because I am no good at them.
13 February 2006
Your Inner Child
Ever heard of Sark? She's famous for her "How to be an Artist" posters. My personal favorite, however, is her "How to Really Love a Child":
Be there. Say yes as often as possible. Let them bang on pots and pans. If they're crabby, put them in water. If they're unlovable, love yourself. Realize how important it is to be a child. Go to a movie theatre in your pajamas. Read books out loud with joy. Invent pleasures together. Remember how really small they are. Giggle a lot. Surprise them. Say no when necessary. Teach feelings. Heal your own inner child. Learn about parenting. Hug trees together. Make loving safe. Bake a cake and eat it with no hands. Go find elephants and kiss them. Plan to build a rocketship. Imagine yourself magic. Make lots of forts with blankets. Let your angel fly. Reveal your own dreams. Search out the positive. Keep the gleam in your eye. Mail letters to God. Encourage silly. Plant licorice in your garden. Open up. Stop yelling. Express your love. A lot. Speak kindly. Paint their tennis shoes. Handle with caring.
Children are miraculous.
I highly recommend those in boldface. They've worked well for us :-).
I think that if we take the time to think like a child, we cannot help but be happy. Have you ever physically gotten down on their level and looked at the world through their eyes? It sure is a different place. Suddenly life seems adventurous and amusing (assuming we allow that).
Of course, it also explains why tables and chandeliers are so enticing.
12 February 2006
Bloggerettes, celebrate with me!
No long speech *insert your eyeroll*, just many thanks to whomever found my ramblings worth noting!
This seals the deal on the experiment for me, girls... I AM a blogger!!!
Oh, and if you'd like to cast your vote, go to http://onewomansworld.blogsome.com/2006/02/07/hello-world/ for more info.
Who do you love?
By Your Side, Sade
You think I'd leave your side baby
You know me better than that
You think I'd leave you down when your down on your knees
I wouldn't do that
I'll tell you you're right when you want
And if only you could see into me
Oh when your cold
I'll be there
Hold you tight to me
When you're on the outside
baby and you can't get in
I will show you you're so much
better than you know
When your lost and you're alone
and you can't get back again
I will find you darling and
I'll bring you home
And if you want to cry
I am here to dry your eyes
And in no time
You'll be fine
Let's all tap into our giddy days of yore and answer: Who do you love and what song would you dedicate to them?
09 February 2006
Wanted: a dull day
I have a stack of library books, a freshly made bed in a freshly clean bedroom and a pack of Dove chocolates calling my name! Oh how I'd love to spend the entire day with all 3! Oh, how I need it! But if I'm lucky, I'll get a couple measly hours tonight before bed (all the while fighting to stay awake and enjoy this much anticipated and well deserved moment of peace and quiet)! I'm sure you can all commiserate.
I enjoy being on the go. I truly do. So, there is irony in my wish, because if I did have a dull day, I'd probably go nuts. Worse nuts than me running around like a chicken with it's head cut off this morning to: get the kids ready for school, make taco soup, dress up, drop Drew off to a sitter's with provisions for a 3 hour stay, and be at the Stake Center by 10am for a Stake Primary Luncheon that I've been organizing for the last 2 weeks (yes - all this in addition to the forementioned responsibilities). While there is bliss in relaxation and freedom, I get a boost from the crazy busy life that keeps me driven and feeling useful.
I guess this is the oxymoron of every mom's life!
08 February 2006
Me, scared?
What is this unnamed fear being projected on me? Is it societal pressure to keep families small and perfect (which, I guess, is a maximum of 3 children)? Is it a question of my physical capabilities? Or my mental faculties? I kind of feel like my girlfriends are watching me very closely right now, studiously taking notes. Perhaps they want me to lead them. Yes, that's it! I am pioneering a whole host of women here who can't decide whether or not to have a 4th child. And the pressure is on me to show them that it isn't as terrifying as it seems.
Oy. If only they knew... let me let you in on my shameful little plan of survival. I've been shopping. Have you seen the adorable little things they make for girls these days? It's irresistable, I tell you. Anyway, I will continue to shop and stifle my unknown fear and I will find the cutest outfits you ever did see (because I'm clever, and I have that gift of spotting a deal a mile away). And when my incredibly stressful, sleep depriving bundle of pink #4 arrives, these sweet little outfits will get me through each crazy, new, unpredicatble day (or night). And all will be right in my world.
How's that for pioneering? ;-)
05 February 2006
Er, rock on?!
03 February 2006
Oy, my back!
02 February 2006
Well, try. Try to remember your life even before that. Realize that all the transitions you've made have been fulfilling in ways you never imagined. Remember what you've learned from your childhood, that sharing your life with someone else is comforting, that stepping outside of yourself is grounding, that patience is a virtue, that raising children means creating the future.
I'm not sure I covet anything from my past. I've already experienced it, enjoyed it, gotten all I could out of it and benefitted from it. I know that things will eventually come full circle; that I will get out of life what I've put into it... but only if I keep going, enduring, growing, balancing.
"We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time."
T.S. Eliot
01 February 2006
where's my beret?
And something I gave away as a house warming gift...
~I painted this bureau for my sil's first baby's room
~these hang in my kids' bathroom
***The watercolor of dogs at the very top is hanging in Drew's room. Obviously it belongs down here, but it just wouldn't cooperate with me, lol.