I've created my family, now it is time to raise it. Instead of teaching other children how to play an instrument, I will attend piano lessons with my daughter and support her in HER desires. Instead of performing with the symphony, I will play Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star as many times as my toddler would like. And he will clap and squeal. And I will bow and accept weeds from the yard instead of freshly cut roses thrown at my feet. Instead of helping other women learn how to care for their bodies, I will care for my own and be an example to my children, teaching them how to treat their bodies as temples, helping them to respect themselves and have a srong self esteem. Instead of designing wedding receptions, I will let my little girl dream of her own big wedding some day and we will muse together about what a joyous day that will be. I will help her aspire to marrying in the temple and finding a man that is worthy of her, and my husband and I will model a strong loving relationship for our children. And I will feel both fulfilled and compensated because I'll be teaching them, shaping them, molding them.
I don't doubt that there will be a time or two over the next several years to do something fulfilling, just for me, that I love and that makes me Leilani. But when I do, I will be ever so grateful that motherhood, after all, is NOT a thankless job.
We had a fantastic Halloween day. It started with a costume parade at the elementary school. Here's my little tank engine:
There was much baking and cooking as well. Taco soup, rice krispy treats WITH chocolate chips and iced confetti brownies.Finally the time came to dress up and go party. Every now and then my little tiger would crouch down and roar at passersby. The one day of the year I don't have to apologize for that kind of behavior!
We opted to do the ward trunk or treat this year. I didn't spend much time at all on our trunk... I didn't really have the time, but I was sure inspired by some of the others!
We came home and let the kids hit a few of our neighbors' homes for the traditional trick or treat. Then everyone crashed, despite pure sugar pumping through our veins.
Sasha didn't "dress up" so I have to include a Fallish picture of her. :)